Sunday, March 25, 2012

Deux cappuccino, s'il vous plaît

Cafe L'ermitage - 20e

This post is dedicated LARGELY to Corey, since she inspired me to go ahead and try a local cappuccino.  The cafe / bar is just that, both a bar, where people often have beer and wine at night, but coffee in the early hours.  Since our first days consisted mostly of sleeping really late due to extreme jet lag, we only usually saw them catering to the night crowd.  However, after a few days we settled in, settled down and walked into the neighborhood cafe.  We both ordered cappuccinos, well actually, I ordered two cappuccinos and the results were more than satisfactory.

Compared to Starbucks, who do have a few branches around town, there is no comparison.  I will stop in the local Starbucks to see if they do their thing any differently, but if it is the same as stateside then lets just say, they really know how to make a hell of a drink here.  Although, I think the cappuccino is viewed as a bit of a flowery drink locally, but hell, with chocolate, dark roasted beans and foam for days, who could complain.   So Corey, this cappuccino is for you.

A wonderful cup of Cappuccino

As an aside, this is a wonderful article about cafes locally and Starbucks attempt to break into the market here.  I think they might want to focus on making better drinks for a start, because after visiting locally, they are even more watered down with milk here than stateside...

Starbucks tailors its experience to fit to european tastes

I think it sums up Starbucks in Paris.  A commenter suggested that they would be limited to Americanophiles in Paris and American tourists, he is probably right.

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